LIGHTWEIGHT BUT POWERFUL: the slant board is made of EPP materials which provide a unique range of properties, including excellent energy absorption, sweat resistance, absolute recyclability; The product can support up to 440 pounds in weight
PORTABILITY, TO BE USED ANYWHERE: bring it every time you go out for practice, the wedge block is very light so put it in your backpack and do exercise wherever you like such as outdoors, gym, workplace, school
GREAT QUALITY, AFFORDABLE PACKAGE: offer full same features as wooden calf stretch wedge block, the foam incline can assist before, during and after your physical training session, it can also save you a lot thanks to the cost effective EPP material
VERSATILE DESIGN WITH JUST 3 PIECES: freely adjust the 3 pieces to create the angle you prefer 8.5, 17, 25.5, 34 and 180 degree, suit numerous exercises and all training levels from beginner to advanced
UNIGNORABLE HEALTH BENEFITS: the gain from stretching before or after workout includes boosting body flexibility as well as reducing the chance of injury; Use the slant wedge block to help you stretch properly now.